Thursday, May 15, 2014

Final Exam

Next week, May 20th we'll have the final exam for this class, I'm pretty happy to say that I free the test, but during this week even if you free the test or not we had to answer the review which had various of parts that were going to be included in the test. Like dividing the map north & south, analyzing some news,  & drawing what we learned in the class. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Activity review of Chapter 14

Today, on the class we had a debate divided between two groups. We had to stand up each student, to pick a question from the bag, and we had the opportunity to consult with the rest of the group. We had questions like what aspects had the north and the south, the north was urban , in favor of liberty, develop in the manufacturing, less population while the south it's economy depends on the slavery & lacked industrial. Other questions mentioned what was overcrowding, acres, elite & naming the 5 ways of the slaves resisting which were leakage, sabotaging the machinery, obtained aditional time of rest, pretending to be sick or hurt and rob food. The teacher also asked how the slaves were punished which were whiplashed and they reduced their food. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chapter 12: Jacksonian era


deferential- showing respect and subordination to a person or institution of social status, political or military superior

rates- prices or taxes levied on the goods

tariffs - taxes levied on the goods into or out of a country 

annulation-action and affection to invalidate a law or contract 

hoarders-who accumulate a product or appeal excessively 

speculators-those that seek profit or gain by any means 

manumission - legal release of a slave or a minor 

revival- religious movement that seeks to encourage and energize followers

 Andrew Jackson was presented as a candidate to the presidency, More nearly than any of his predecessors, Andrew Jackson was elected by popular vote. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oral Reports

This week & last week, we've been presenting oral reports. Each student has a state, I picked Virginia since to me it was the easiest to present and have knowledge about it. I presented it on a powerpoint which includes it's history, touristic places, customs, population, food. 

Here's my presentation:

Friday, February 21, 2014

Field Trip

In two weeks, on March 7th we're gonna have a Field Experience. We're going to LAJAS (La Parguera & Playa Rosada). To be honest, I'm super excited to go and it looks like they're really fun places and I hope we can enjoy it a lot with no trouble at all.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chapter 11: Jeffersonian era

 '' Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.''
~Thomas Jefferson

Why is it called the period of the first decades in the 19th century the Jeffersonian era?

Because in honor to one of the most popular in the era, Thomas Jefferson; because he developed a new government system.

How did it developed the judicial system and the supreme court during the nation's first decades?
Jefferson broke several of the traditions imposed by Washington & Adams, in doing so this developed and modify the judiciary.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Concepts from chapter 9 & 10

complot- action against a person or identity to harm it or obligate to do
republic- type of government which authorities are chosen by citizens by voting and in which the powers are separated into different branches
customs-governmental office usually ubicated in the ports
martyrs- dead people that are granted like heroes

This is a list of the process of the Independence:
1) Laws of the Townshend Act which means Tax series and products imported from any British party
2)Stamp Act
3)Boston Massacre
4)East India Company
5)Boston Tea Party
6)Samuel Adams writing a series of letters for the colonists leaders