Friday, February 21, 2014

Field Trip

In two weeks, on March 7th we're gonna have a Field Experience. We're going to LAJAS (La Parguera & Playa Rosada). To be honest, I'm super excited to go and it looks like they're really fun places and I hope we can enjoy it a lot with no trouble at all.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Chapter 11: Jeffersonian era

 '' Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.''
~Thomas Jefferson

Why is it called the period of the first decades in the 19th century the Jeffersonian era?

Because in honor to one of the most popular in the era, Thomas Jefferson; because he developed a new government system.

How did it developed the judicial system and the supreme court during the nation's first decades?
Jefferson broke several of the traditions imposed by Washington & Adams, in doing so this developed and modify the judiciary.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Concepts from chapter 9 & 10

complot- action against a person or identity to harm it or obligate to do
republic- type of government which authorities are chosen by citizens by voting and in which the powers are separated into different branches
customs-governmental office usually ubicated in the ports
martyrs- dead people that are granted like heroes

This is a list of the process of the Independence:
1) Laws of the Townshend Act which means Tax series and products imported from any British party
2)Stamp Act
3)Boston Massacre
4)East India Company
5)Boston Tea Party
6)Samuel Adams writing a series of letters for the colonists leaders
The last weeks on class, we were on chapter 9 & 10 on the process of Independence of the United States.  We have a new teacher called Yadira Cuevas. Mainly we learned some concepts like complot, boycott, republic. Subjects about the Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre which was a conflict between soldiers & rebels in Boston streets. We learned about characters like Samuel Adams that sent a series of letters to colonist leaders, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Yesterday we had an exam about this chapter which was pretty easy for me.